Friday, March 21, 2014

If you want the peace, Stop the war!

(United States White House)

The eagle is holding an olive leaf to symbolize peace in the direction of others , the arrow indicating the managing director (尙武) in one foot . Are opposed to each other at first glance , in the proverb of war of ancient Rome , " Stop to war if you wish peace !  Was set to . Ready to secure peace for war . However , it is not a right that the eagle is holding an arrow , why are turning their head towards the olive leaf is a symbol of peace wonder what . Engrave a certain person to mean that not war , it is a peace -oriented as possible . Plausible Personally , and it's idea that Plausible. It would sound like a joke if  to me not only peace my Korean Peninsula , the peace of the world , but it would not be the must not be serious?

Short-term ( the Tan-gun Era) 4347 years ,

A.D. (Anno Domini) 2014 Japan.

March 17 (Mon) .

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