Wednesday, May 7, 2014

World Peace Organizations. International peace-keeping operations, the United Nations peace-keeping operations, to world peace today.

World Peace Organizations. International peace-keeping operations, 
the United Nations peace-keeping operations, to world peace today.

International peace-keeping operations (国际 平和 维持 活动, peacekeeping)

Being disputed region between international humanitarian dispatched to the region to support the international peace-keeping activities.

The United Nations (UN) and the approval of the border , such as race , religion and resources is a matter of dispute between the parties

Dispatched to the area of ​​hard power failure monitoring or peacekeeping in the neutral position to say that the activity .

International peacekeeping activities are divided into two main .
- United Nations peace-keeping operations (PKO: peacekeeping operations)
- Multinational peace-keeping operations (multinational peacekeeping operations)

United Nations peace-keeping operations (UN peace-keeping operation) look
United Nations peacekeepers and observers to the disputed area , and dispatched
Monitoring of cease-fire and a power outage , such as performing a policing duty . Abbreviations (UN PKO)
The United Nations (UN) has the consent of the Parties in conflict areas such as certain army consisting of
UN peacekeepers or observers dispatched to the dispute , and serve as a worse -proliferation activities or says.

Organizational form is a power failure can be divided into observers and peacekeepers .
Monitoring and supervision of inspectors outage to outage dispatch violations during conflict
Report to the UN Security Council missions and weapons are not mobile .
On the other hand the number of peacekeepers peacekeeping mission in the country and has been dispatch ,
Individuals , such as fire and light armored vehicles and armed with a large-scale activity .

Peace-keeping operations (PKO) and accept the basic principle of gender, neutral , non- intrusive , representativeness , spontaneity

ROK 's international peacekeeping activities

The United Nations Security Council resolutions and decision of the National Assembly in motion
Maintenance of international peace and preventing war invasive ,
Conflict reconstruction of medical assistance and to send troops to help the South Korean military has .
North Korean invasion of Korea in 1950 during the War broke out six and 25
North Korean attack on the United States at the request of the UN resolution was approved by being applied
In 16 countries , including the UK and Australia with the help of the United Nations dispatched be received .
United Nations peace-keeping operations in the country to support the troops is from the 1991 Gulf War .

Since Korea is East Timor, Angola, Western Sahara , Afghanistan , Iraq, Lebanon ,
Waters of Somalia , Haiti, the UN and other world trouble spots , such as peacekeeping troops agents
Active participation in international peace-keeping operations and medical assistance and reconstruction of the local policing and
To peace support missions to be performed , such as .

The figures in respect of the existence of the nation UN Secretary General minutes .

< 2008. Move , but look past >
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon 's " Send a text message of peace ' encouraging message

Today, the World Peace Day is a special meaning.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted

"Human rights" is an essential element of peace .
However , despite the fact that everyone knows and understands ,
Human rights are still so many people are trampled .
In particular, where there is a more serious conflict .

We are facing an emergency situation that may develop .
This year , we are in the 21st century to build a better world
From the leaders of all the countries in the consent
' Millennium Development Goals for the accomplishment just passed the halfway point .
To achieve this goal, it is also essential to peace .

My message is as follows:
" September 21th is the day of.
I have people all over the world and leaders dispute , poverty, poverty confronting mankind.
Request that unite all the forces . "


< Review :>

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