Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wadjda-Is it forbidden to ride a bike for her?

What does freedom mean to human being? Everybody has the freedom to breathe, eat and sleep. Some people do not have the freedom except these common ones. There are two groups of people according to its characters. One is able to enjoy more freedom, but the other have relatively limited amount. Maybe there are some reasons to these kinds of discrimination. Today, I’d like to talk about 'Wadjda', a movie that illustrated a case of incomprehensible discrimination.

The Middle East countries – most, not all of them - show high national income, but are not acknowledged as advanced countries because of their lack of sensibility on human right. Especially women's rights are being deprived, being controlled and repressed by men. That is why the documentary films or movies made by the women producers in a country like Iran have strong messages of the resistance against men. But it is forbidden for women to produce films in the neighbor country, Saudi Arabia. So, the Saudi Arabian films were never talked about in the world movie industry. This film, 'Wadjda' has a special meaning for being produced in Saudi Arabia, a country of the strict regulations for the first time,

The leading character in the movie is an elementary school girl named Wadjda. She suffers from hardships to be able to ride a bike. The Middle East is ruled by each country's royal authorities, and most of their politics and religions have unity so that religion supports the royal authorities. In this society, the women in the Middle East are controlled and repressed by men who have the dominant positions in politics and religions. So, women are trained and educated to obey men so they submit to men in Saudi Arabia. It was forbidden for the women to ride a bike so Wadjda struggled to collect money to buy a bike. She was a little girl, but her growling to her parents for a bike was not accepted because of these reasons. She collects money with a clever scheme like selling her things.

Her mother Reem Abdullah and the president of her school Ahd, as adults who were trained to obey regulations were worried for Wadjda who shows a strong will to ride a bike. They desperately tried to stop the Wadjda and teach her what the society requires from women. In this film, the uniformed buildings and scenery shows us their strict regulations of religion and society. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country. Most of them are Shia so they do not tolerate other religions and freedom. They adhere to old customs and Islam Fundamentalism that descended from the ancestors of Saudi Arabian royal family and they regard all their religious acts and regulations as being sacred. The Koran is treated as their absolute standard. Because of this standard, Wadjda joined in the religion class even though she didn't want to. And she struggled to recite the Koran to get the prize money for the bike. When she got the 1st prize, the school president asked her where she was going to use the money and she naively answered that she would buy a bike. Her prize money was taken away from her and was donated to the Palestine youth group regardless of her will. I felt that it was a shame that happened, and it led me to have some deep thoughts about the negative influence of religion.

Just like in the movie, oppressed women are everywhere around Saudi Arabia. Son preference is prevalent in the country. Wadjda's father brought in a new wife because Wadjda's mother was unable to give him a son. Polygamy is an evil custom that resulted from the son preference. In the end, Wadjda finally rode a bike with big smile with her mother's support. This leaded to break down the regulation that women cannot ride a bike in Saudi Arabia and now they can ride freely in the country. It was explained in caption. I felt that the power of culture is so strong from the movie. If these small movements can turn the impossible things to be possible, this world would be getting bright and new.

Monday, June 30, 2014

IPYG: See WYD (World Youth Day) through AYD (Asian Youth Day)

‘See WYD (World Youth Day)

through AYD (Asian Youth Day)’

-The official logo of WYD (world youth day) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2013-
Coming in August, Pope Francis will visit South Korea. The purpose of the visit is to participate in ‘6thAsian Youth Day (AYD)’. AYD is held in Dageon and Chungnam region from August 13th to the 17th. Though, this will be the first time that Pope takes part in AYD, not World Youth Day (WYD) which involves more than 2 million catholic young people. Regardless of religion, this 6th AYD is meaningful as it is organized for Asian young people who have had difficulties joining in WYD.
With starting AYD this year, there are some movements to hold 2019 WYD in South Korea. WYD was established by pope John Paul II in 1986. This event is held at the diocesan level annually and at the international level every two or three years, for almost a week. In order to attend this event, a number of young people will come from around the world. It is no exaggeration to say that this event occupies the most important part in Catholic Youth Movements.
Even though this event is basically for gathering and celebrating their faith, it is not just about a specific religion and it also has a transcendental attitude in general. Various cultural events are held as people all over the world are gathering. Through this, this is recognized as an international cultural event. Regardless of Religion, this event is very attractive because it makes us think as one. If WYD is held in Korea in 2019, I want to participate in WYD.
- IPYG International Peace Youth Group - 

Friday, June 27, 2014

After watching ‘Edge of Tomorrow’

In the near future, mankinds encounter crisis of destruction by the invasion of alien tribe called Mimic. Bill Cage(Tom Cruise) is assigned in the operation which is no better than suicide operation without any drills and equipments, then meets his death in the battle. However, impossible things happen. He wakes up again at the time when the dreadful incident began and takes part in the war. He repeats to be dead and revived. So he finds out the foreign beings called Mimic and obstructs them. Eventually, the world regains peace among the Earth. That's all the contents of Edge of Tomorrow which was released recently.

As today's genres and contents became more various than the past, I usually go to cinema for enjoying the varieties. Among diverse movies, movies about war are coming out constantly. I can also realize this trend by the fact that the movies which are now crossing my mine are ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘DMZ A Demilitarized Zone’, ‘A Bombing Squad’ and ‘Someone said Let’s meet again’.
Characters in films regarding war like Edge of Tomorrow are mostly young, have dreams, promised a future with their loved ones and live their lives so passionately. However, their dreams of life are locked in a battlefield like a dark prison and trampled down like cows which are dragged to slaughterhouse regardless of their wills. Also, even if they survive, they are living with having mental traumas and senses of guilt that they could not save their fellow soldiers.
When I think if my family or I am a character of Edge of Tomorrow, I felt dreadful. I've thought about the question, ‘What is the relationship between the wars around the world and me?’. There will be no nation which haven't experienced any kind of wars. Wars happened also in my country, South Korea. Therefore, wars must be eradicated for everyone who lives in this era and descents who should live in the bright future.
So, we, IPYG, are starting to show its beginning first by doing a small action. Even if the beginning is tiny, the world will be lightened by the light of one man who will deliver the light to another men and they pass it again to the other men. We will try harder until the world will turn to the world filled with peace, without war.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

For the Human Rights

In May, 2014, there was the 19th Seoul Human Rights Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea. The slogan of this film festival was 'I Am Here.' This looked like the reminder of what we have forgotten which we should not have forgotten. It also made me think about Human Rights more.
Human rights is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. However, there are numerous people who are not able to have rights to live their lives as a human.
This picture shows the situations people don't have guarantee of human rights with violence. When you look at this picture, you can feel how serious the situation is. Not only the problems of violence, Lots of cases of violation of human rights are there throughout the world. Most of them cannot even afford to ask for any help to anyone.
To eliminate these cases, some people tried to alarm and made them to self-questioning about the violation of human rights spread before the World War by declaration for International Human rights. That was how the International Human Rights was set on Dec.10.
Hopefully, not only the people celebrate the day of International Human Rights as just a holiday, but the day of desire of peaceful world with getting supported by people and guaranteeing the human rights.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A fighter for Independence, Jung-geun Ahn had beautiful hands.

I was wandering for 3 years making efforts to make Korean independence restored and peace in Asia remained. But finally, it couldn't be achieved and I'm dying here, I have a wish before I die. I want you, twenty million brothers and sisters to try harder for studying, raising unemployment and restoring free independence.
-From the patriotic martyr, Jung-geun Ahn's last will shortly before he die for his country-
That statement above is the will of Jung-geun Ahn who died for his country as a fighter for independence. In my childhood, I learned about him just on the school textbook. But now, I think of him by not the knowledge but the heart.

When we look at his fingers, we can notice that one of his finger joints was cut. He meant to show his earnest mind for peace and independence by cutting his finger.
It is not too much to say that his mind was originated from his parents. The first thing that came up in my mind when I think of him is that he killed Itō Hirobumi using a bomb. When he was jailed for that, his mother sent a shroud and a letter that said "You were right, so face the death honorably." But actually, we cannot even imagine how his mother felt desperate.
Thomas Jung-geun Ahn. People called him thomas for decades not knowing why he is thomas. He was a Catholic, so he was given the name 'Thomas' as a baptismal name. He, as a citizen of Korea and a Catholic, said that "I will shout and do my best for the independence even in heaven when I hear the voices crying out for that.”
I'm really thankful for that we can live a peaceful lives now thanks to his independence movements with a determination of death.
I think we should search for the ways that we also can do feeling thankful to the fighters for independence who left a peaceful world to us, even sacrificing their lives. Furthermore, I hopefully wish for the world fully filled with peace and without repeating any victims and tragedies regarding wars.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Gypsy and Rom

Gypsy performs a very charming flamenco. We might think sometimes that gypsies who passionately dance wearing a red dress in a movie or a musical are charming. Tom Cruise had said that he had a crush on Penelope Cruz when she was performing flamenco in a movie, Volver. But, in reality, gypsies could not have a colorful life as people usually thought. According to the dominant view gypsies ,a nomadic minority, were derived from India and came to Eastern Europe in the 1400s. At that time gypsies had life such as slave under serfdom and wandered here and there without a fixed residence. They call themselves Rom, Lom, Roma, or Dom, not a gypsi. All these names have a meaning of human. My heart ached with sympathy for them. (Therefore, I will use the term ‘Rom’, not ‘gypsi’ in this text.)
The entertainment is the most appropriate work for some Rom who do not stay one place for a long time. In this regard, lots of Rom gain their livelihood as a performer like a clown, a musician or a fortune-teller. On the other hand, there are some other Rom who settle down their life but they belong to the poor strata according to the survey of UNDP in 2011. In addition, half of their children do not attend an elementary school.
In history, there had been lots of discrimination on Rom. They used to be burned at the stake or buried alive while being regarded as a symbol of devil or a target of witch-hunt in the Middle Ages. Also, Nazi Germany had persecuted them, so about 15 million people were killed. In recent years, Rom who live in the core of London have some difficulties such as migration restrictions and deportation on a charge of mess and misdemeanor. The reason they are being persecuted is that they keep on wandering without regularly paying a tax. This is against the claims of Europeans.
I think, across the ages and in all countries of the world, the apple of discord is from the disapproval without understanding and the greed forcing one’s idea on others. As all people are entirely different in character, every country and race has their own nationality and ethnicity. However, we did not accept the differences but made an ethnic group, Rom, have a sorrowful life. I sincerely hope that there is no longer any repetition of these persecutions and sorrowful history, while reminding myself of the saying ‘There will be no more discrimination if we agree to disagree.’

Friday, June 20, 2014

Vita Activa, - about Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Vita Activa, - about Medecins Sans Frontieres.
In the early 20 century, all mankind had been groaning under the imperialism policy of the world powers and two World Wars. Lots of countries were drawn into these wars regardless of whether there was a specific reason of war. The war came to an end around the middle of the 20th century, however, it left nasty aftereffects on the earth such as the war orphans, refugees, and all kinds of disease. No one was in charge of the compensation for damage. Some countries declared their independence without any preparation, and some others became under the trusteeship and the intervention of international organizations.
In this situation Nigerian Civil War occurred. Nigeria, the oil producing country, separated from British rule after 60 years and got a right to sell development of petroleum. and then the most important thing is to achieve Nigerian political power. In There were the most powerful Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba in about 250 great and small tribes. After independence, Hausa tribe that produced the president, which was used to monopolize profit of selling oil and carried out profitable policies for their tribe. Hausa was in Islamic power, Yoruba was in mixture of Islamic and Christian power, and Ibo was in Christian power. Moreover Ibo was devout and their educational level was higher than other tribes' average. Through this, Ibo couldn't be at feud with Hausa. So their choosing way was the war. Therefore in 66 Ibo staged a coup and killed a prime minister from Hausa. And then they held the reigns of government.
The glory, However, short and revenge was strong. After just months the war occurred by a coup by an officer form northen lasted for about 3 years, came under its rule, and orphans, refugees, hunger happened. In this process many national groups intervened and because The Red Cross was sub- group of UN peacekeeping groups, it was so quiet. Since Bernard Kouchner and his colleague felt limit on calm movement of The Red Cross, they make a recommendation to the Government and the Media. And they felt the need to become a group doing relief activities activily. On the baise of such worry and belief, since December 20 1971, Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF) was established.
The relief system of MSF having about 3000 volunteers in 45 nations is on a constant alert. MSF was created in the belief that all people should have access to healthcare regardless of gender, race, religion, creed or political affiliation, and that people's medical needs outweigh respect for national boundaries. MSF's principles of action are described in our charter, which established a framework for our activities. MSF is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
Since foundation MSF has worked in about 80 nations and during Gulf war in 1991, did 70,000 relief work a refugee camp. Especially in October 1995, as only NGO, MSF entered South Korea and supported South Korean suffering from famine and infectious disease. Thanks to these work, in 1997, they received Seoul Peace Prize from Seoul Special City. Over the years, MSF has received many prestigious awards in recognition of its medical humanitarian work. In 1999, MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize.
The motto of MSF is simple. It is that Everyone has a right to get medical services. The protection of right for everyone, that is why MSF became a group that received the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace is not achieved easily. Peace needs a lot of efforts and toils. All the time we should remember, in any case, there is no keeping peace without carrying out.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Peace and Nobel Peace Prize

Peace and Nobel Peace Prize
There comes up some headlines from around the world that nominees for Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 are registered.
Nobel Peace Prize is an award given to the one who has an outstanding achievement of the promotion in peace and disarmament. Among the nominees, three of them are receiving international attentions: Edward Joseph Snowden who revealed the indiscriminate intelligence collection activities of National Security Agency (NSA) of U.S.A, Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which banned wars and military possession, and Russian President Vladimir Putin who contributed to the settlement of conflict in Syria.
After Red Cross Society's founder, Henry Dunant won the 1st Nobel Peace Prize, there are so many people and organizations that won the prize for about 100 years. There are 5 representatives, for example: Mother Teresa, 14th Dalai Lama who contribute to independence movement of Tibet, Aung San Suu Kyi who struggled nonviolently for achieving Myanmar's democracy and human rights. Also Nelson Mandela who struggled for democracy and end of racial discrimination, and president Dae-jung Kim who made a great effort for Korea's democracy, human rights and reconciliation between North and South.

But why are wars still existed on the earth, even a lot of people made efforts and sacrificed their lives for achieving peace? Why is real peace still not coming to reality? I think it is because there might be a few people who have done actions for trying to put our dreams that achieve peace into practice and working hard, as the proverb 'Action speaks louder than words' goes. So, I think now is the right moment when people and organizations that really put works for peace into action are needed.
I eagerly hope the one who works for the peace in and forward 2014 will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. And I also wish for coming the real peace to the earth soon.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

War movie and War documentary

War movie and War documentary

On this June, I think about peace, the world without wars.
Yesterday night, I watched a documentary which was saying about ‘Obama and Truman, their dilemma of war’.The documentary was based on British’s sarcastic words to president Obama, that was America about Korean war.
Some of the british journalists and politicians were derogating and disregarding South Korea which had been weak and poor at that time. As a citizen of South Korea, having watched that, I was seriously mad and sad.
Every country looks so busy to self-justify and excuse their behaviors in the documentaries or movies which deal with all the wars that had happened in the world including Korean war. So, these kind of movies look pretty stupid, not somber and serious. I guess people who make this kind of movie or documentary would have dilemma.
Chief of state, generals and scientists could regret because results of war are different from what they intended first. And some of them live their lives with guilt and stress injuries caused by a psychological trauma of people killing each other. A figure who used to be a hero can be reappraised and revaluated in the turn of a hand. I felt confused watching war documentaries and movies for last few days.
War victimizes everyone.
I was wondering that there would be any need to have war.
War will be repeated constantly when we justifies it like in the documentaries or movies that I’ve watched. I think we, in this era, may have duty to break out this vicious circle. We must leave peace, the world without wars at least to our next generation.
'No War, Yes Peace! '
On this June, we cannot be just happy. This is really simple, but would be a definitely exact answer.

Monday, June 16, 2014

IPYG: Hope the new image of the Red

Hope the new image of the Red.
(not blood, but passion)

Today, all over the world is getting hotter with soccer fever by starting the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. There are 4 main countries (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) related to soccer in the United Kingdom (UK).Because they are the home of soccer, their interest in soccer is the highest. Ireland next to these countries is as hot as they are.

 Like this, UK and Ireland have many similar things to live in union. but Ireland started the history of its blood by being invaded by England in 1167. When Henry VIII was on the throne, England conquered entire Ireland and persecuted Catholicism that Irish had believed in. By doing, the religious conflict began. In the twentieth century, Ireland became independent, however, the religious conflict started the new bottle: Northern 6 states in Ulster that have more Protestantism than the Catholic Church didn't want to be separated from England. so a civil war broke out in Ireland.
After a civil war, Northern ireland remained in England, but they became the land of endless troubles. One case that has sparked attention was "Bloody Sunday". in 1972. The affair was that english sky army fired at protesting citizens and 13 citizens dead. Through the movie of Bloody Sunday, director Paul Greengrass particularized this affair. Irish Republican Army (IRA) as a reckless armed group of the Catholic Church in Northern Ireland caused a lot of terrorisms. Until declaring an armistice , for about 25 years, bloodshed had occurred and more than 3,200 people were killed in incidents of terrorism.
The conflicts are end, but Belfast, the capital of Northen Ireland, still is divided into two parts; Protestantism and the Catholic Church. The Irish flag introduced in the picture hasn't been used nationally except playing soccer games.
That the United Kingdom that is consist of many nations had brought on war because of their own religions makes me think about religion again. The role of religion is to achieve love, forgiveness, and harmony, but because of religion, so many conflicts have been happened. I think that is because the religion gets lost. I realized yet again just the best way to put an end to war is the harmony of religions.
As the whole world has became one through soccer games, Ireland and Northen Ireland end the war to symbolize red blood. I hope the red is not the symbol of the blood any more, but the image of the Harmony and Passion.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Angelina Jolie's meaningful message, and IPYG's meaningful shout

Angelina Jolie's meaningful message, and IPYG's meaningful shout. 
A Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie went to England and had an official schedule as a envoy of UNHCR on last 10th. It was for attending Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. This summit is for making the international society regard female sexual violence problems as an international problem and seeking the solution plans together. From being appointed as a goodwill ambassador of UNHCR in last 2001 to now, she has been trying to let the international society know that they are in trouble. She has been visiting the displaced people from around the world and supporting them progressively for the international aids.
I think she is a good actress and also a good advocate for other activities.

Since the history of mankind began, war is happening continuously for various reasons. Its most victims are female and children. We can see the seriousness of war through a recent event that Nigeria's armed group, Boko Haram kidnapped about 200 teenaged schoolgirls. Also, Japanese Military Sexual Slavery is one of horrors of war which Japan made Korean girls serve as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers when Korea was under Japanese imperialism.
The grandmothers forced for sex slaves are appealing for their damages and struggling to be apologized, but it is still not solved. It is very sensitive and really hurts. It is the fact that although some leaders of an organization or a nation bring about war, only the weak are damaged for that.

So, Angelina Jolie wanted through this summit to raise awareness of sexual violence in wartime and to insist that the assertion which sexual violence is unavoidable is wrong. However, I think not only the sexual violence in wartime but also any war have not to be existed in the world.
IPYG, too, is trying to raise awareness of the seriousness of wars and end it. When wars happen, youths are dragged into wars. So, the youths are appealing and trying for peace. I think that to think and act in the weak's shoes are a real peace and a real harmony.
As Angelina Jolie delivered a meaningful message of 'Ending Sexual Violence in Wartime', IPYG is shouting for a real peace advanced more than yesterday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Day between the Independences of India and Pakistan

A Day between the Independences of India and Pakistan, is it a Start of Peace?
In history, most people will know that people discriminated and excluded others due to some reasons such as status, religion and so on. It seems not to be modest for me, countries and its people to be superior to others.
But we have seen a lot of cases through history that when we got rid of any discrimination, the nation became thrived and the people became happy. For example, there was a King Sejong in the Joseon dynasty of Korea who is the creator of Hangeul(Korean letters). Although he was a confucian scholar, he admitted various religions like traditional belief and Buddhism. He transcended religions and then equally appointed people according to their talents and regardless of their religions. So, King Sejong is even now respected the most in the Republic of Korea and his people could live happily and peacefully in their times.
The Islam empire, Mughul dynasty enjoyed its golden age in the era of Emperor Akbar of the sixteenth century. They appointed talented people regardless of their religions such as Muslim and Hinduism. But after these, it was dramatically declined because of some rebellions like creating Hinduism empire. Eventually, it resulted in Britain's colonization. I think it resulted from their greeds for their own nations and religions not accepting and understanding each other.
Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of Nationalism and a peace activist for nonviolence, planned a peace nation co-existing with multi-culture and multi-religion but India and Pakistan became independent separately according to an agreement among National Congress-Muslim League-UK. India became independent on August 15, 1947 and Pakistan declared independence a day ago because Pakistani regard day 15 as islamic sabbath (Friday).
On the other hand, these two nations might have become a peaceful nation and more recognized worldwide for their wide territories and many people if each didn't cause conflicts insisting only their nation and religion are right.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014

IPYG: Visiting National Cemetery with Children on Memorial Day

IPYG: Visiting National Cemetery with Children on Memorial Day

Today, June 6th is one of Korean Holidays which is Memorial Day. 
I went to the National Cemetery of the military and the police with my students. People admire the memories of soldiers have fought for our nation and died in wars.

On Memorial Day, some consider it just a public holiday and others do it a missing day when it wad buried in their heart.
So did I. I thought it was just a holiday without inspiration.

When I entered the National Cemetery with my students, my heart became sad.
'They were beloved young men in their families and had so many dreams..'
They had passed away so young for my country.
A kid of my class asked to me why wars happened.

In this moment, I could not say anything.
"Wars are bad. 
You and other teachers always tell us not to fight with one another.", she said.
I was thinking how to explain. 'Should I tell her that there are some ideological differences or selfishness in the world?'
But I just couldn't say anything.

Even the kids know war itself is a scar that can never be indelible.
They learned how sad war is and wish it won't happen in the future.
I thought we should love peace and practice peace our lives in order not to hand down wounded hearts to out future children.

Because I am a member of IPYG, I am sure we can make it. 
 IPYG (International Peace Youth Group) will lead the path of peace.
As drops of water falling slowly one by one can make a piece of paper wet, each try of each person for peace will make our world change.
I hope that you who are reading this article can be a part of a peace maker by joining IPYG.

Written by Daisy Yoon
IPYG Jeonju

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Thought about Peace 4 - A Peace Walk with IPYG

A Thought about Peace 4
       - A Peace walk with IPYG

It was my first meeting with IPYG friends at the Park of Seoul where I accidently had conversation with them for I had an appointment with one of my friends in that park. I was very impressed by the conversation with them and I felt something special that I never felt before. It was the kind of attraction when you meet someone trustworthy. They were "awesome friends" in other words.

What is "peace"? It is not easy to explain it in one word. Peace is something common like light, rain and air, but it is a significant matter like draught and hurricane. A person can be responsible for common things but a disaster is would be joint responsibility of mankind. Are one's stability and happiness the same with the peace of mankind? The IPYG friends say the answer is 'NO'.

An oriental thinker Mencius who lived 2300 years ago, said that the right politician should bring peace for the people of the nation and peace starts from mercy of heart. In the end, it is a matter of state of one's heart; mercy is loving heart for others with no condition.  This unconditional love can lead to peace. This kind of love does not greed for one's profit and honor. It only requires consideration and concern for other people. The IPYG friends seemed to practice this love.

They said that they had a Peace Walk last year and I asked 'why?' They replied that they wanted to show the possibility of peace if everyone tied their heart into one with intense aspirations for peace. I glimpsed into their confidence and belief in peace, and I could understand what their "possibility" means. It was an opportunity for me to learn about the mighty force of love and value of peace.

They say 'love' has been and always is an absolute value. "Mercy", mentioned above by Mencius, can be brought to life only when people put it into action, as they say "action speaks louder than words". There is a reason why I felt a special feeling from them. It came from the inside of their heart.  Their intentions, pure and good, righteous spirit were good enough to overcome all the prejudice and misunderstandings of other people. The 'negative peace' that the world is putting a lot of expense to maintain should come to an end. I want to dedicate a saying of Antonio Gramsci to the people who take peace into action.

Pessimismo della ragione e ottimismo della volonta - be pessimistic by reason, be optimistic by will.

If we do not give up, the light of peace will come someday!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

IPYG: International Peace Youth Group Declared 'Cease of Wars and World Peace'

IPYG: International Peace Youth Group Declared 'Cease of Wars and World Peace'
“No number of laws could save the young people who were dragged into wars. They were not able to have time to prosper their own life, yet were sacrificed. However, no one could be compensated.”
Now we must turn peace, not wars and conflicts over the next generations.
International Peace Youth Group declared 'cease of wars and world peace' once again in front of about five thousand youths and hosts who were gathered at Busan UN Memorial Cemetery on May 25, 2014.

The Declaration of World Peace and Restoration of Light was declared in front of the door of peace in Seoul Olympic Park a year ago. To celebrate this, '1st Anniversary of Declaration of World Peace and Restoration of Light and Peace Walk' was held at the same time in Busan UN Memorial Cemetery as well as domestically and internationally.
At this event hosted by International Peace Youth Group, about a hundred thousand youths from around the world were gathered in Seoul Olympic Park, Incheon, Daejeon, Kwangju, and also New York, USA and Berlin, Germany. In order to make many people agree the purpose of this event, this event was broadcast live.
Director Du Hyun Kim of International Peace Youth Group spoke up, "Youths from all over the world will get proactive and more enthusiastic for spreading peace movement for no more innocent victims like in Sewol ferry disaster, Nigerian schoolgirls' kidnapping and China terrors."

Many leaders, media and youths from around the world are supporting peace walk of International Peace Youth Group and it is getting more recognized internationally. Peace walk was held last year, at the event of Declaration of World Peace and Restoration of Light. And this year again,
in 2014, about a hundred thousand youths from all over the world participated in the peace walk and it was held in each country of the world.
Peace walk is a campaign that youths who hope world peace march to deliver the messages for peace holding pickets that the messages are written on it.
Last year, on May 25, about twenty thousand youths from about 130 countries walked over 1 km holding pickets and flags of all nations in the peace walk which is held at the door of peace in Olympic Park. The youths came from six continents performed their traditional performance wishing peace and unification at some street corners.
The peace walk has significance for shouting out world peace and unification of South and North Korea in the Korean Peninsula which still remained in a state of truce only in the world.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

About IPYG - Peace and IPYG

“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at….”
-          Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

This quote is from Oscar Wilde (16 Oct 1854 – 30 Nov 1990). He was an Irish writer and poet. Thinking about peace, I found this touching quote.

A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at…

That’s true!
I think the world is becoming more dangerous. It’s so hectic that I don’t even want to read news of the world. Some people are willing to die because of their faith. Some people want to harm and kill others to get their interests. It’s like they seem not to have any sense of guilty. Why should we, as human beings, do such a fiendish acts? What if the people you are trying to kill are your family members or someone you love so much?

Unfortunately, those problems have always been there in the name of wars, conflicts, or terrors. And it is unusual not to have wars in the world. When a war breaks out, the young should join armies without their intention. The lives they have are precious which is obvious. And no one must not want wars.

There will be solution we can solve without breaking out wars. And an organization is crying for it. It is showing people around the world that peace will come if they work together. Many groups are gathering to make the world peace. The name of the organization is IPYG.

IPYG is the abbreviation of International Peace Youth Group. It has been holding the events of Peace Walk in different areas in the world. It claims the young should wake up and cry for peace because they are the future in the world. Also, those are the young who need to take the situations seriously and do what they want to do.

I think it is possible when the young gather their will. I desire to live in the peaceful world without any wars. People are fighting and dying and I don’t want to hear the news anymore.

Also, I know you don’t want to do so.
Let’s make the world Utopia like Oscar Wilde said.