Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A men in America hold a slogan 'I'm bully' at street.

A men in America hold a slogan 'I'm bully' at street.
It is unusual punishment about mistreating disability people. The parties to a suit complained about that judgement saying "judge ruined my life"
The man who abused the disability neighbor is sentenced to hold a slogan 'I'm bully' on the street during 5 hours.
At South Euclid, Ohio, America, Gail Williams bias judge rencently sentences this punishment to the resident 'Edmund Avis(65)'.
Avis went to the street at last 9.A.M, 13th, April to follow the sentence.
The judge write slogan 'I'm bully' himself for Avis. This mean that I abused the disabled children, and I can't accept other people different with me.
While he hold this slogan, drivers blow their horn to him and pedestrian passing him uttered a shriek too, a local media say.
What Avis have done to Sandra peureo's family since 15 years is revealed, so he is sentenced like this punishment.
Peureo nurturing two black children who have developmental disorder claims that Avis has made a insulting remark and spit a several time at petition.
Avis also becomes known that he throw the excrement of dog to the car of peureo's disabled son.

He denies his suspicion and expressed his complain about the sentence saying "judge ruins my life, it is unjustice"
the judge also gives a command to him to hand in written apology, to take a class of anger-control, and sentences charge of detention with 15 days.

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