Monday, June 9, 2014

A Thought about Peace 4 - A Peace Walk with IPYG

A Thought about Peace 4
       - A Peace walk with IPYG

It was my first meeting with IPYG friends at the Park of Seoul where I accidently had conversation with them for I had an appointment with one of my friends in that park. I was very impressed by the conversation with them and I felt something special that I never felt before. It was the kind of attraction when you meet someone trustworthy. They were "awesome friends" in other words.

What is "peace"? It is not easy to explain it in one word. Peace is something common like light, rain and air, but it is a significant matter like draught and hurricane. A person can be responsible for common things but a disaster is would be joint responsibility of mankind. Are one's stability and happiness the same with the peace of mankind? The IPYG friends say the answer is 'NO'.

An oriental thinker Mencius who lived 2300 years ago, said that the right politician should bring peace for the people of the nation and peace starts from mercy of heart. In the end, it is a matter of state of one's heart; mercy is loving heart for others with no condition.  This unconditional love can lead to peace. This kind of love does not greed for one's profit and honor. It only requires consideration and concern for other people. The IPYG friends seemed to practice this love.

They said that they had a Peace Walk last year and I asked 'why?' They replied that they wanted to show the possibility of peace if everyone tied their heart into one with intense aspirations for peace. I glimpsed into their confidence and belief in peace, and I could understand what their "possibility" means. It was an opportunity for me to learn about the mighty force of love and value of peace.

They say 'love' has been and always is an absolute value. "Mercy", mentioned above by Mencius, can be brought to life only when people put it into action, as they say "action speaks louder than words". There is a reason why I felt a special feeling from them. It came from the inside of their heart.  Their intentions, pure and good, righteous spirit were good enough to overcome all the prejudice and misunderstandings of other people. The 'negative peace' that the world is putting a lot of expense to maintain should come to an end. I want to dedicate a saying of Antonio Gramsci to the people who take peace into action.

Pessimismo della ragione e ottimismo della volonta - be pessimistic by reason, be optimistic by will.

If we do not give up, the light of peace will come someday!


  1. Wonderful insights! you let me know more about peace, you are right, we never give up anything, then we can cometure our dreams,even peace. thank you for your article!!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you support my idea of peace :)

  2. Wow~! I envy you! I also want to meet someone like you met at the park!
    It sounds good~ and your opinion is amazing to me^^

  3. Wow, thank you for reading it and sharing your thought!

  4. I wish your writing change this world.

  5. I am interested in Peace after reading your writing.

  6. There are many people who look forward world peace.
