Precious daughter, the child is going to the Olympic Park Square Rose
Hansung Baekje Museum Saturday afternoon trying to empty
Han Sung Square, past the rose on the way to the Museum of Baekje
Reports of festivals and events bigger ended up going to quit right .
So I will introduce only .
Urban floral scent of a blossoming rose to become the Olympic Park Square opened in June
Olympic Games Olympic Park is located between the convention center and the Olympic Hall
and has a large area of 13,260 ㎡ .
And, now planted with 146 kinds of flowers bloom 16,367 rose be careful .
Square of the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics rose to meet the theme of Zeus and
other " Garden of the Gods of Olympus 12 ' was the concept of composition ,
Mount Olympus is divided into 12 flower beds in the living dog is named after the twelve gods
Greek mythology and the roses are closely related .
Look at Greek mythology, the goddess rose for the first time, just not made for the goddess
Aphrodite .
Attempt is made to create a rose so beautiful flower.
Rose Square in June , two in October rose scent filled festivals .
Roses of all citizens to participate in various programs and events related to scheduled
operations .
Rose Square Museum of bleach into the past so Reaches Museum of Baekje ....
Seoul to illuminate the history and culture of the ancient Baekje Museum Time Machine
Hansung April 30, 2012 was opened .
All of the 678 years history of Seoul Baekje in 493 years was also the first capital of the
Baekje ginseng since the current flowing to the height of a history of over 2,000 years .
Seoul has now mongchon soil characteristics, Pungnap soil characteristics, including tombs
seokchondong Hansung Baekje era around the core remains in ruins ,
But also tens of thousands of artifacts excavated from there reaches saleswoman .
In Seoul , the well- preserved remains of the ruins , the capital city of Seoul and managed to
refocus the history and culture of 2,000 years to establish the identity of Saturn mongchon
overlooking the construction of the Olympic Park in January HA Baekje Museum .
This is the content going down to see more events and festivals are big enough Right into the
entrance participated in the festival with .
This is the content going down to see the larger events and festivals are going to stop right at
the entrance to the festival together participated.
"the king of on-jo Seoul Station to open", While trying to nail this story...
Baekje forward pivotal role in the history of the study and a history of 2,000 years , Seoul
exhibition , education, and promote the efficient professional will do duty as a museum .
This enables the coexistence of traditional and modern international cultural space for the city
of Seoul in the traditional culture of the citizens to enjoy high culture are helping to raise the
self-esteem of the citizens of Seoul will .
I want to come with , you want to live to make a contribution to the global city of Seoul .
Many young people have to go out to war , the sacrifice , why sir?
This young and pretty and handsome son , daughter , the victim of the war , why sir?
Young people in the world war one and world peace, an end view was that fulfill all asleep.
The number of enormous.
For world peace and an end to the war events around the world come together to shape a
young man .
There are many young people mostly foreign.
This is really a multinational young people working together to put an end to the war whilst
The United Nations is moving the world is moving so young people around the world do not
participate in the war the war will not happen, right?
Not hurt to put in the eyes of my pups in the war, the political export riches can not die.
Who should I do for the war?
Try're right. The war ought to disappear from the earth.
All suffering due to the war on pain of grief is bled.
Young people in international politics, riches never be a war should not die.
There's a good man, a good woman, young, young men, young women are...
I did not know so many of the assembled line.
Crowded more foreigners than Koreans.
Mongchon soil without gaps to from the Olympic Park Quite a lot more than a palace opening
What the hell is achieved due to the large crowds phosphate no nation in the world that this
young man made it.
What the hell is achieved due to the large crowds phosphate no nation in the world that this
young man made it.
For whom the war is ......
Who is really a war?
International youth come together for world peace for an end to the war convention walk.
Oh .... So all the evenings, take a big hit.
And ..! Really a great crowd!!
All foreigners, one of the festival atmosphere.
They shout to world peace, end war
Appearance in front of cheering
Nanta is performing very well and zest.
Really Rocking
Tap? Cheer?
Youth is the youth and really passionate.
Never again have to battle young people should not be kicking surface.
This prevents the two young people have to save us.
No more should not be a victim of the war he knows to actively participate in the absolute.
The war ended and people do not want peace in the world right
His children, because there is no person or'd go out to the battlefield.
Between ten thousand and one son Parents group now or in the future go to the army to go to
war in an emergency call if the parent with the target
If you know of course, attending the Walk for the promise that they would never join.
Really well. O youth! The political life of your mortgage should not be a victim any more
precious for anyone who lives for war, it should not cry even got it! There we go!
Good work! Well done! Disappear from this world until the moment the war! Go!
Michael Jackson has returned to five people.
Moonwalk? ^^
So many talented
Lots into
Really hot blood
Young people who are squirming kicking battle going
World and national media to pay attention to this moment we have,
World youth and world peace and an end to the war
Whom will the war?
We do not want war, declare peace was declared.
Representatives from each country, one word at a time !
Youth is beautiful !
He came to the United Nations and I.
"World peace, end war liberation"
Young people around the world because of the war as a victim of politics It was all said I do
not want to die.
Try hard to accurately report the news more.
World peace, end war
No War, World Peace
International Youth Peace Group
What this young man is really guilty because they have to go out and cannon fodder after the
war to die?
I favor ending the war!
Flexibility and body dance really well, I think dancing talent. Gathered only.
Wow! That is brilliant!
Beside the back door of peace in the future is not going to be able to various events as
overflow crowds of young people from different countries, and the long-term stage, so hot that
I have seen all day aside and laid down the museum. Heh heh
Where there are people who like war really, where do you have people who want death?
Is it a war for those who become victims of war unreasonable in the manner being pulled by
force? You apply a force to the young people not to war shouting.
It does not become absolute war from occurring.
Wow! I do not know whether any country is wonderful!
There may not be anyone who opposed that hated war, call for peace.
Wow, really
People with foreigners, a multinational many
We, we, we love peace and we
Youth of multinational war cry hate because I love the peace
Until that moment the war retreat in this area
Fighting Fighting Fighting